協助流亡在外的異見人士 |
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Assistance to Dissidents in Exile of Overseas
Assistance to Dissidents in Exile Emergency ContactsYou may consider contact us if you need assistance while in distress. Our telephone number and email are follows: E-mail: sos Telephone/Fax:
Assistance to Dissidents in Exile of OverseasDissidents who have met accidents or are in distress may request assistance from the Cathay Glory Association. Our assistance are rendered by our subdivision or other coordinate and affiliate organizations, includes providing informations on international travel safety, assisting in contacting local democratic organizations or parties, employing lawyers and translators, etc.
Assistance that can be Provided by Cathay Glory AssociationIf you are a Dissident in need of assistance while in exile, the Cathay Glory Association can: •Introduce the local subdivisions of Chinese democratic organizations or parties. •Assist you in contacting the local human rights organizations. •Give necessary security advises. •Issue a letter of introduction while needed. •Recommend lawyers, translators or doctors to assists you in legal proceedings or in seeking medical treatment. •Give essential advices about visa and asylum. •Translate a small amount of important documents, such as proof of identity. •Other assistance within our capabilities while needed.
Assistance that cannot be Provided by Cathay Glory Association•Intervene in the judicial or administrative acts of the host country. •Arbitrate or settle economic, labor and other civil disputes between you and others. •Pay for your lawyer's fees, translator's costs, hotel, medical and travel (air/sea/land travel tickets) expenses, or any other expenses. •Institute legal proceedings for you. •A large number of translation work. •Any assistance, except introduce the local subdivision of Falun Gong, as your only circumstance are practicing Falun Gong.
Points to RememberAs a non-governmental organization, our assistance may be very limited. When seeking assistances, please pay attention to the following points: •The scope of our assistance are limited by the countries or regions. •All assistances are free of charge. •In general, our assistance are not in real time and may delay substantially. If you are seeking personal protection and assistance urgently, it is strongly recommend to contacting the local police, government officials or subdivisions of the United Nations, etc. •Please cherish the resources of our assistance, as all the costs are borne by individuals of our members or volunteers.
協助在外異見人士的緊急聯絡方式如你身陷困境並需要協助,你可致電或電郵詢求協助,連絡方法為: E-mail: sos 電話/傳真:
明光會可以提供的協助如你是異見人士,流亡在外遇到困難並需要協助,明光會可以: •介紹當地中國民主運動組織或政黨分支機構。 •協助你聯絡當地人權組織。 •提供必要的安全建議。 •在需要時簽發介紹信。 •為你推薦律師、翻譯員和醫生,以幫助你進行訴訟或尋求醫療救助。 •提供有關簽證和避難的必要建議。 •翻譯少量重要資料,例如身分證明文件。 •其他我們能力範圍內之所需協助。
明光會不可以提供的協助•干預所在國的司法或行政行為。 •參與仲裁或解決你與他人的經濟、勞資和其他民事糾紛。 •為你支付酒店、律師、翻譯、醫療及旅行(機/船/車票)費用或任何其他費用。 •替你提出法律訴訟。 •大量翻譯工作。 •除介紹當地法輪功分部以外的任何協助,如你的惟一事情是修煉法輪功。
注意事項做為一個非政府組織,我們的協助可能非常有限。當尋求協助時,請注意以下事項: •我們的協助範圍受國家和地區限制。 •我們的協助一律不取費用。 •通常,我們的協助並非即時並可能大幅遲延。如你在尋求緊急的人身保護及協助,強烈建議聯絡當地警方,政府,或聯合國機構分部等。 •鑒於我們的協助之消費皆為會員或義工私人負擔,請珍惜協助的資源。 |